Pilates Modifications for Pregnancy

Hello everyone! I get a lot of questions in my group classes about how to modify for pregnancy. Although I suggest most pregnant women try private Pilates, as it is much easier to explain modifications and give you a better, more suitable workout, I’ve created this list of modifications below. As you can see, it is not short, and there are a lot of precautions to keep you and your baby safe. That being said, it is definitely possible to still have a great workout while you’re pregnant and maintain your current level of health and fitness. As a note, if you weren’t doing Pilates prior to pregnancy, please don’t start a new exercise regimen. Do what you were doing before, and/or add in walking. It’ll be safer for you and your baby to start Pilates after labor (usually 4-8 weeks, depending).

Pilates Modifications for Pregnancy (Guidelines)

Starting in the 1st Trimester (+ beyond)

  • Most movements are safe. Just make sure to hydrate often and stay in a cool room as you exercise. Limit ROM/exercise choice as needed but, likely, as you aren’t showing yet there aren’t any big modifications needed here. If you feel safe, it is usually okay to lie on your stomach/twist

  • Don’t start Pilates when you get pregnant, continue with your exercise regimen and/or add walking

20 weeks/5 months (mid way through 2nd) - end of pregnancy)

  • Don’t lie on stomach

  • Limit time lying on back (3-4 minutes is okay), making sure to rotate to other positions instead (seated, side lying, standing) throughout the workout

  • Limit max rotation ROM (some is okay)

  • If prone to Diastasis Recti (I’d recommend this to all, preventing is easier than fixing) - no curling head/shoulders off mat (traditional crunch motion) or rolling up from laying down. Make sure to get up off the ground and back down by rolling to your side. Check for coning (a pushing out around the middle of your stomach, either above and/or below navel) as you do exercises, and limit exercises where this happens.

  • As your stomach grows, you’ll need to modify some exercises (feet further away from stomach in rolling like a ball etc) to accommodate. Consider doing half roll backs instead for these exercises.

  • If you have any other issues or conditions (acid reflux, pelvis issues, PF issues, SI join dysfunction, coccyx pain etc), please ask your teacher for modifications as there are many to make but would be individual to your situation.

Modifications for Pilates Mat Exercises

Common mat exercises you’ll need to eliminate or modify as you get further along in your pregnancy…

  • Hundred - head down, knees at tabletop, arms still pump

  • Roll Up - just half roll back (don’t go to ground), consider placing a wedge or squishy ball underneath back to prevent yourself from going down

  • Rolling like a Ball/Seal/Crab - repeat half roll back if you have acid reflux or widen the stance to make room for your stomach as you roll

  • Ab Series - keep head down, knees come wider to accommodate

  • Saw - don’t over rotate but some is okay

  • Swan Dive/Single Leg Kick/Double Leg Kick/Swimming - avoid and just come to all 4s and repeat bird dog on either side

  • Open Leg Rocker/Neck Pull/Teaser - repeat half roll backs instead

Exercises that you can do with little/no modifications…

  • Side planks

  • Side leg kicks

  • Spine Stretch Forwards

  • Single Leg Circle

  • Shoulder Bridge

Christie Wang