Hello 2019.

Hey there!

On the eve of 2019, I’ve decided to share my reflections on the past year and my goals and hopes for this coming year. If you’re just looking for my goals, and how I make them, keep scrolling down!

Reflections on 2018

For me, 2018 was a year that centered around growing into myself, my identity and my confidence. Starting at the end of 2017, my confidence was shaken by a series of events/people and I found myself feeling a little scarred, a lot rejected and sorry for myself. Let’s just say, the end of 2017 was really hard.

My resolution for myself in 2018 was to move past all of that. To build my confidence back up - and not based on other’s perceptions. I wanted to grow as a teacher, grow as a person, and grow into my independence. I felt like this year totally took me by surprise because I did a lot of what I aimed to. I was genuinely surprised when I had successes - which taught me a lot about my self worth and confidence.

Additionally, I wanted to travel a lot and explore the world in 2018. My husband and I took countless trips to Cape Cod, New Hampshire, NY/DC. We visited San Diego/Joshua Tree/Orange County, Chicago, Portland, OR, and Punta Cana, DR.

I learned to laugh a lot (thanks to my husband), to live my life based on my values (rather than the world’s), and to shed some of my insecurities.

How to Set Goals

I’m a big fan of goal setting. Every time I enter a new phase in life (whether business or personal), I set goals and write out my dreams. Regardless of whether they happen or not, there is power in writing down what you want to see happen. I highly encourage you to write or type your goals for the new year. Not only will they become etched into you, but you can refer back to them. I’d advise you to start a new handwritten journal (if that’s your thing - a new folder in your notes would do too, although I’m a paper and pen gal) and write your goals down there. I include annual goals in my journal & planner, and quarterly goals in my planner so I can refer back to them easily.

Some people think that resolutions don’t happen but, I’m one of the optimistic ones who think they can if you make them…

  • measurable: write out your goals in a way where you can clearly achieve them (ie “drink 3 liters of water a day)

  • attainable: instead of writing lofty goals for the year, pick something you know you can achieve (ie “run a 2:40 marathon, an OTQ” v “run a BQ”)

  • accountable: tell your family and friends so that they can keep you accountable

My 2019 Resolutions


  • Run a sub 4:00 marathon

    • I was so close last year but, no cigar. So, here I am again. I’m running Berlin on 9/29 (my wedding anniversary) and hoping for a sub 4:00 race.

  • Do 1 Pull Up!

    • This was my goal last year but, I had no actionable steps. This year, I’m dedicating one weight training a session a week to the pull up to gain more strength.

  • Do Yoga once a week


  • Buy no new clothes

    • This one makes a lot of sense for me. In 2018, I bought more and more secondhand clothing - because of the price and it’s so convenient on apps like Tradesy/Poshmark/Depop. I was buying all of my favorite brands - usually like new or never used from people who didn’t want them anymore. Instead of contributing to demand in the fashion industry, I can still get a lot of my favorites. It’s a no brainer for me. Although I love sustainable brands like Everlane, Veja, Reformation and more - I find it’s even better to buy those brands second hand (double win!).

  • Only buy clean beauty/skincare

    • I’ve been trying to turn over my beauty and skincare collection to clean beauty for a while now. Since becoming a Follain ambassador, I have even more incentive to. I’ve already turned over most of my skincare but, makeup will be the next big thing.

  • Clean out the closet and makeup collection once a quarter

    • I’ve (sort of) made this a habit in 2018 but, my goal is to have a really simple but wearable collection of clothing and makeup to use. It’s been a lot of experimenting but, I think I’m ready to minimize all of my collections even more. I’m hoping to get rid of at least 10-20% of my collection every time until I feel like I’m at a good place.

CAREER/BUSINESS - I have a bunch of goals here but, I’m going to choose to keep these ones private for now. As much as I love sharing, there are some things that are better kept quiet.

RELATIONSHIPS - Read above ;)


  • Read 1 book a month

    • Right now, when I travel, I tend to read 2-3 books a trip but, I’d like to make my book reading more consistent as it is rather sporadic. I love fiction but, would love to start branching out to more nonfiction books like memoirs, self development books and more.

  • Try 1 new recipe a month

    • Same goes here. I have my heavy rotation of foods but, want to explore more - especially cooking more Chinese food!

  • Journal every day

I hope everyone had a healthy and happy holiday season and is feeling refreshed to take on the new year. Happy 2019! 

Christie Wang